
The name Asah was not something that we just naturally came up with, we really had to study and do research on what we felt would be the best name for our brand. We decided on Asah simply because of the meaning of the word and how it plays into what we desire to do with the products we design.

Asah is a Hebrew word that means to create, to work or to produce.

In each one of the products we put out there, we want to create space for conversations to be started. Our desire is to co-create with Jesus in every single design, in the hopes that they will
create opportunities for your faith to be shared.

When we took a look at other businesses out there that sell similar products, we noticed that a lot of them tend to focus more on one gender and don’t provide too many options for guys and girls to choose from that would still be trendy for each one.

That’s where Asah is going to stand apart from competitors. I really wanted to design products that you could wear in your day-to-day life and Andrew felt really passionate about creating products that guys would wear to the gym or just out and about.

We’re excited for you to join in with us as we go on this journey of creating fashion with effect.

Andrew and Leah Trowbridge